Sunday, September 09, 2007

Time for a change....for a change

I know word travels fast so you've probably already heard about the move. If you haven't, then you don't know my in-laws because they can get the word out faster than anyone I know! Anywho...I've recently accepted a job offer for an IT tech out in west Texas. How are we gonna get there??? DUH! In a big red truck! (Actually orange and white truck.) That's right...we're trekking across the state in a U-Haul! Good times! We are actually very excited because this signifies a new beginning for us, one where we are self sufficient and do things for our own good. The hardest parts will be leaving our family and most of our friends, and me leaving my other new job at Staples, which, if you've ever worked retail you'll know why I'm not terribly sad about that. Staples has been great to me in the short amount of time that I've been there and it gave me the opportunity to work with my uncle which I've wanted to do for years. In fact, if it weren't for the grumpy people that assume since I work there I must be terribly unintelligent, it would be a great job. The Lord, however, has greater plans for the Price clan, and this new opportunity has practically fallen into our laps, complete with great local friends and a place to live. So the three of us are off to Friona! (3 because the Chuck-ster has to have a say in it too!)

So I leave fair Rowlett with a few tips for you to live a happier life;

1. Be kind to your photographer, especially on your wedding day. The more grumpy you are, the less likely it is that he will want to want to photoshop those blemishes off your sour face.

2. Don't tell a professional how to do their job, we're called PROFESSIONALS for a reason.

3. Don't assume that where one works is a clue to how intelligent they are. If you're a jerk to an associate at a store, especially a smart one, you're gonna get bad advice.

4. Finally...LIGHTEN UP! This tip can be used universally. About 90% of the customers I've met over the last few weeks would definitely benefit from this one because it's that easy to make the situation better.

Things you can learn from my position about Staples to make your shopping experience more enjoyable. (can be applied to most retail type people)

1. I didn't pick the price, don't complain to me about how high it is.

2. Don't get mad at me when I can answer your question by reading the box.

3. If you don't know what you want, I can't help ya.

4. For goodness sakes, write down what model of printer you have before you come to me asking for ink. You will NOT recognize it when you get here, and if you get on your cell phone while I'm trying to help you...well...just don't.

5. You have two arms. If one of them is holding a cell phone, DO NOT ask me to carry something for you. I'd be happy to help if you'd treat me with even a little respect.

6. Finally, and probably most importantly, buy the extended service plan. It helps me a little financially, and keeps you from belly-aching to me when you turn whatever electronic device you bought into a pile of junk. I can't help you at that point, you're gonna have to deal with Hewlett-Packard directly which will drive you more insane than you already are.

Thanks for letting me vent, and please be kind to your customer service rep!