Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Prayers Needed

I hope that anyone who reads this will join us in praying for a family in the midst of a rough adoption process. Without giving too many details, one party is making this process very difficult for the other by putting their own well being before the child's. My heart is heavy because I know that no matter what anyone is going through...the baby is going to be the one who suffers the most if this situation does not get resolved in a timely manner. I encourage you to pray for this family because I know that their faith is in need of a recharge. Dee has been working very hard on this case and has done all that she can to make this process go forward, but it seems like there is a difficult road still ahead and I believe that our prayers will help them get through this. Thank you for your prayers and comments, I will forward any encouragements to Dee as I know she really needs it.

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