Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oh more thing

I like writing about stuff that annoys me. Makes me feel better. I know it's selfish, but that's what blogging is all about right. (482,205,205 google results for blogs entitled "All about ME!") My favorite thing people do on the internet is write a blog in response to another blog to tell that person what they think, but they know they're being petty and don't want to look like a dummy so they don't outright reply to or comment on said blog, when in reality it makes them look like a bigger dummy (you know who you are!!!) I realize I'm kinda doing that, but I'm admitting it so that makes me cool right? I don't know what I'd do if the blogosphere didn't think I was cool!

/more sarcasm
//more slashies


Anonymous said...

Brandon...You are a funny guy. Thank you for taking good care of my friend.:)

DeeDee Price said...

You've been tagged. See my blog for the rules.

It has been way too long since you posted anything... so maybe this will get a post out of you! I love you!